Thursday, September 19, 2013

SHT Day 1

After landing in Minneapolis at 2:15 this afternoon, I narrowly missed the shuttle to my starting point at 2:30. Instead I had to wait for the 4:30 shuttle. While waiting, no less than four people asked my about my backpack. Where am I going? Am I going alone? Why am I going alone? Am I nervous? 

Besides finding out how friendly people are in Minnesota, I also realized that all of these people though I was crazy. Most didn't understand why a person would want to walk 300 miles, alone, sleeping in a tent every night. Am I crazy? I love the solitude, the physical exertion and the slight discomfort of it all. I love seeing the stars at night and not thinking about anything except that I enjoy looking at the stars.

I think the people who looked at me like I'm crazy- a computer programmer from Tulsa, a salesman and father from Duluth, a pair of 20-something college students from St Paul- I think they're the crazy ones. 

Anyway, because I caught the later shuttle, I had to walk to the beginning of the SHT (Jay Cooke State Park) in the dark. Doh!

Minnesota is apparently overflowing with deer and I jumped every time a deer crossed my path. In 6 miles I saw 8 deer, 3 rabbits, and a frog. Not a bad way to start my trip! Once at the state park, a nice Minnesotan even volunteered to pay for my $22 camp site.

Tomorrow the real hiking begins!


1 comment:

  1. I'll admit, i just looked at your blog today Sept 26.
    1. you hate blogging because no one is commenting on past posts! :(
    2. it takes the same 30 minutes to write a blog right after the event happens that is does 1 week later...only thing is that you've forgot everything @ that point!
    3. You are doing awesome at documenting everything!
    4. I miss you!
